AGN on the Beach

Feedback (circumnuclear and galactic scales)

AGN feedback from compact, low-power jets and galactic ionised outflows in the Teacup QSO; Properties, interplay and effects

Giacomo Venturi

 Tu, 16:30 ! Livein  Palazzo Santa Chiarafor  15min

The low-z Teacup QSO is a great laboratory to study in detail the complex interplay between SMBH, radio jets, ISM and CGM. It hosts a compact (~1 kpc) jet, ~10 kpc radio and optical AGN-driven bubbles, and both ionised and molecular outflows. By employing new VLT/MUSE observations, we detect large gas velocity dispersions perpendicular to the compact jet, indicating that this strongly perturbs the host ISM, as recently found in other jetted sources. In line with recent work and simulations, this demonstrates that compact (<1 kpc), low-power (<10^44 erg/s) jets can significantly affect their hosts. Moreover, we find an exceptionally powerful galactic ionised outflow, and dissect its properties (mass, kinematics, energetics) from ~1 to 10s kpc scales. We determine its driver among jet and AGN radiation, and compare with model predictions. While the outflow efficiently depletes the reservoir for star formation (“negative” feedback), little material can eventually escape the DM halo. The expelled gas might thus be re-accreted on the galaxy at later times. Finally, we find evidence for stars formed around the 10 kpc expanding bubble due to the compression by jet and outflow (“positive” feedback), as predicted by theory.

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